Friday, May 16, 2008

Day Three ~ Sean O'Connell's Photographs

Waiting for the whole group to gather in the center of the courtyard at the Smithsonian. Chaperones broke up into groups and hit either the Asian Museum, or the African Museum. For those who were adventurous, they hit them both. The exciting part was trying to find the African artwork they have been studying in class.

Sean, that is so cute. This was taken from the Old Post Office, up at the very top. You can see most of the city from up there, if you aren't afraid of heights.

Jasmin and Sean O'Connell outside the Capitol building. We were making our way to the Capitol building to have a tour of the inside and decided to stop for pictures.

Crystal, Elizabeth, Cheyenne and Martina waiting for the Tram at the Arlington Cemetery.

Lucas waiting for that same Tram trying to find a smile... He almost has it.
Elizabeth with her floppy hat.

Suzanne Warsaw and Lucas waiting for the tram at Arlington Cemetery and having some fun together.

A military man conducting the "Changing of the Guards" at the Tomb of the Unknown Soliders.

This is in the middle of the "Changing of the Guards" at the Arlington Cemetery where these military men are guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soliders 24 hours a day.

The John F. Kennedy Jr. and Jackie Onassis Memorial at the Arlington Cemetery.

Mount Vernon, the house of George Washington. He inherited the home when he was 21 years old.

Most of the Colrain Central Class at the Vietnam Memorial.

This is one of my favorite photos of the vacation. This is Seans picture of Martina looking for some names she found in the book while sheltering herself with the umbrella from the rain.

Caitlin, Jamie, Amy, Javier, and Heather checking out the Vietnam Memorial together.

Caitlin, Dale, Jasmin, and Mrs. Warsaw making their way down the wall at the Vietnam Memorial.

A soldier from the Korean Memorial looks over at Dale and Jasmin as they walk past.
Some amazing sights were captured in these photographs, thank you Sean for sharing them with us.

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